
  • arrogant

    英:[ˈærəgənt]   美: [ˈærəɡənt] 

    arrogant 基本解释


    arrogant 相关例句


    1. John is so arrogant that he thinks he is better than everyone else.


    1. You must realize that it is arrogance that has cramped your progress.

    arrogant 网络解释

    1. 自大:我们三个(Jayd,Jeffrey,Jon)是兄弟,所以......J:我们只是想取一个自命不凡的,看上去足够骄傲自大(Arrogant)的名字,只是为了好玩. 因为我们都是超级优秀的人!所以我们想如果能有一个可以形容像Oasis那帮人那种自我的样子的名字就太有意思了.

    2. 傲慢自大:所以,穿上黑色战衣的他,也只不过比平常更具侵犯性(Aggressive)和更傲慢自大(Arrogant)而已. 第三集也想沿用这个模式,于是乎继续给彼得与玛丽这小两口的甜蜜生活增添麻烦. 既然他俩在上一集末尾已经幸福地在一起了,

    1. 傲慢的;自大的;嚣张的
        Someone who is arrogant behaves in a proud, unpleasant way towards other people because they believe that they are more important than others.

        e.g. He was so arrogant...
        e.g. That sounds arrogant, doesn't it?

    At times the arrogance of those in power is quite blatant.
    有时那些当权者颇为傲慢嚣张。 词典解释

    1. 傲慢的;自大的;嚣张的
        Someone who is arrogant behaves in a proud, unpleasant way towards other people because they believe that they are more important than others.

        e.g. He was so arrogant...
        e.g. That sounds arrogant, doesn't it?

    At times the arrogance of those in power is quite blatant.
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