
  • application

    英:[ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn]   美: [ˌæplɪˈkeʃən] 

    application 基本解释

    名词适用,应用,运用; 申请,请求,申请表格; 勤勉,用功; 敷用,敷用药

    application 相关例句


    1. This has no application to the case.

    2. He worked with great application.

    3. application的解释

    3. The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually increases efficiency.

    4. application

    4. The unemployed engineer wrote a dozen applications for jobs but got nothing.

    5. I made an application for a loan.

    application 网络解释

    1. application

    1. 用途:用途 (Application) 特别为苛刻的使用条件而设计,如冶金工业高速线轧机的循环系统,包括中轧机组、预精轧机组和精轧机组的轴承、齿轮、调校螺杆的润滑,也用于轧钢机支承辊轴承循环系统,以及其它一般纯矿物油所不能提供足够承载强度及保护能力的减速齿轮和轴承.

    2. application

    2. 对象:15、Excel文件的操作 Excel应用程序对象(Application)提供了对Excel应用程序控制的接口. 它包括工作簿对象(Workbook对象),代表当前打开的一个Excel文件(文档). 而一个工作簿又包含了一些工作表对象(Worksheet对象),代表工作簿中的一张工作表.

    1. 申请;请求;申请书;申请表
        An application for something such as a job or membership of an organization is a formal written request for it.


        e.g. His application for membership of the organisation was rejected...
        e.g. ...Turkey's application to join the European Community...

    2. 应用;运用
        The application of a rule or piece of knowledge is the use of it in a particular situation.

        e.g. Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom...
        e.g. Simon's book provides a succinct outline of artificial intelligence and its application to robotics.

    3. (计算机的)应用软件
        In computing, an application is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task.

    4. 勤奋;专心;努力
        Application is hard work and concentration on what you are doing over a period of time.

        e.g. ...his immense talent, boundless energy and unremitting application.

    5. 涂抹;敷用;施用
        The application of something to a surface is the act or process of putting it on or rubbing it into the surface.

        e.g. With repeated applications of weedkiller, the weeds were overcome.


    1. 申请;请求;申请书;申请表
        An application for something such as a job or membership of an organization is a formal written request for it.


        e.g. His application for membership of the organisation was rejected...
        e.g. ...Turkey's application to join the European Community...

    2. 应用;运用
        The application of a rule or piece of knowledge is the use of it in a particular situation.

        e.g. Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom...
        e.g. Simon's book provides a succinct outline of artificial intelligence and its application to robotics.

    3. (计算机的)应用软件
        In computing, an application is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task.

    4. 勤奋;专心;努力
        Application is hard work and concentration on what you are doing over a period of time.

        e.g. ...his immense talent, boundless energy and unremitting application.

    5. 涂抹;敷用;施用
        The application of something to a surface is the act or process of putting it on or rubbing it into the surface.

        e.g. With repeated applications of weedkiller, the weeds were overcome.

    application 情景对话


    B:Please, fill out this application fomp3.

    A:Where should I write my (address/ telephone number/ date of birth)?

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