
  • action

    英:[ˈækʃn]   美: [ˈækʃən] 

    action 基本解释


    action 相关例句


    1. action什么意思

    1. The action lasted 4 days.

    2. She had a fine action.


    3. The time has come for action.

    4. The action of water on rock should be taken into account.

    5. All the action in the play takes place at one railroad station.

    action 网络解释

    1. 操作 动作:把一切可操作动作(action)做一个大的数组,然后按需要自由组合成不同权限操作数组,对应会员表中的权限组字段就搞定

    1. 行动;措施
        Action is doing something for a particular purpose.

        e.g. The government is taking emergency action to deal with a housing crisis...
        e.g. What was needed, he said, was decisive action to halt what he called these savage crimes.

    2. 所做之事;行为
        An action is something that you do on a particular occasion.

        e.g. As always, Peter had a reason for his action...
        e.g. Jack was the sort of man who did not like his actions questioned.

    3. 诉讼;起诉
        To bring a legal action against someone means to bring a case against them in a court of law.


        e.g. Two leading law firms are to prepare legal actions against tobacco companies.
        e.g. ...a libel action brought by one of France's bureaucrats.

    4. (化学物质产生的)作用,效果
        The action of a chemical is the way in which it works, or the effects that it has.

        e.g. Her description of the nature and action of poisons is amazingly accurate.

    5. 激动人心(或重要)的大事
        The action is all the important and exciting things that are happening in a situation.

        e.g. Hollywood is where the action is now.

    6. 战斗;作战
        The fighting which takes place in a war can be referred to as action .

        e.g. Leaders in America have generally supported military action...
        e.g. 13 soldiers were killed and 10 wounded in action.

    7. (电影)情节惊险刺激的;动作(片)的;动作片中的
        An action movie is a film in which a lot of dangerous and exciting things happen. An action hero is the main character in one of these films.

        e.g. Stallone wants to break away from his action-hero image.

    8. 处理
        If you action something that needs to be done, you deal with it.


        e.g. Documents can be actioned, or filed immediately.

    9. (因受伤或损坏)不能工作,失去作用,无法运转
        If someone or something is out of action, they are injured or damaged and cannot work or be used.

        e.g. He's been out of action for 16 months with a serious knee injury...
        e.g. They were trapped after the lifts went out of action.

    10. (通常为了赚钱或提高影响力)插手,参与
        If someone wants to have a piece of the action or a slice of the action, they want to take part in an exciting activity or situation, usually in order to make money or become more important.

        e.g. Holiday spots have seen a dramatic revival and tourist chiefs are competing for a slice of the action.

    11. 把…付诸实践
          If you put an idea or policy into action, you begin to use it or cause it to operate.

          e.g. They have learned the lessons of business management theory, and put them into action.


    1. 行动;措施
        Action is doing something for a particular purpose.

        e.g. The government is taking emergency action to deal with a housing crisis...
        e.g. What was needed, he said, was decisive action to halt what he called these savage crimes.

    2. 所做之事;行为
        An action is something that you do on a particular occasion.

        e.g. As always, Peter had a reason for his action...
        e.g. Jack was the sort of man who did not like his actions questioned.

    3. 诉讼;起诉
        To bring a legal action against someone means to bring a case against them in a court of law.


        e.g. Two leading law firms are to prepare legal actions against tobacco companies.
        e.g. ...a libel action brought by one of France's bureaucrats.

    4. (化学物质产生的)作用,效果
        The action of a chemical is the way in which it works, or the effects that it has.

        e.g. Her description of the nature and action of poisons is amazingly accurate.

    5. 激动人心(或重要)的大事
        The action is all the important and exciting things that are happening in a situation.

        e.g. Hollywood is where the action is now.

    6. 战斗;作战
        The fighting which takes place in a war can be referred to as action .

        e.g. Leaders in America have generally supported military action...
        e.g. 13 soldiers were killed and 10 wounded in action.

    7. (电影)情节惊险刺激的;动作(片)的;动作片中的
        An action movie is a film in which a lot of dangerous and exciting things happen. An action hero is the main character in one of these films.

        e.g. Stallone wants to break away from his action-hero image.

    8. 处理
        If you action something that needs to be done, you deal with it.


        e.g. Documents can be actioned, or filed immediately.

    9. (因受伤或损坏)不能工作,失去作用,无法运转
        If someone or something is out of action, they are injured or damaged and cannot work or be used.

        e.g. He's been out of action for 16 months with a serious knee injury...
        e.g. They were trapped after the lifts went out of action.

    10. (通常为了赚钱或提高影响力)插手,参与
        If someone wants to have a piece of the action or a slice of the action, they want to take part in an exciting activity or situation, usually in order to make money or become more important.

        e.g. Holiday spots have seen a dramatic revival and tourist chiefs are competing for a slice of the action.

    11. 把…付诸实践
          If you put an idea or policy into action, you begin to use it or cause it to operate.

          e.g. They have learned the lessons of business management theory, and put them into action.

    action 情景对话

    Cable TV-(有线电视)

    A:Mom, can we get cable TV or a satellite dish?


    B:It costs money, dear. What’s wrong with the regular television stations?


    A:The shows are dull and they’re too many advertisements.

    B:Well, you already watch too much TV instead of doing your homework, anyway.

    A:There ’re educational stations too. I could learn while I watched TV.

    B:Well, that’s true, but you’d probably only watch cartoons and action movies.

    A:No I wouldn’t…can’t we get cable? Everybody has cable.

    B:Well, if everybody jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?

    A:Mom!!!! Please. All my friends have had it for years.

    B:Get new friends.


    A:Why are you always so mean?

    B:Because you’d end up spoiled rotten if I wasn’t.


    A:I could help pay for it.


    B:Let’s see how your grades are this semester, and maybe I’ll talk to your father about it.

    A:O.K. Thanks, Mom!

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