
  • assault

    英:[əˈsɔ:lt]   美: [əˈsɔlt] 

    assault 基本解释

    名词攻击; 袭击,进攻; 威胁,殴打; 侵犯人身

    及物动词袭击; 强暴; 使(感官)难受

    不及物动词发起攻击; 动武

    assault 相关例句


    1. The commander decided to assault the enemy in the darkness.


    1. The soldiers made a strong assault on the town.

    assault 网络解释

    1. 袭击:当'袭击'(Assault)一词是指殴打(Battery)时(通常都是这个意思),这便纯粹指蓄意或鲁莾地向投诉人使用非法武力的行为. 不论违法者是直接以他的身体,或是透过他所控制的武器或工具来施行殴打都是没有分别的.

    2. assault是什么意思

    2. 突擊:突击(Assault)模式专用载具,可供两人乘坐,突击(Assault)模式专用载具,突击(Assault)模式专用载具,突击(Assault)模式专用载具,突击(Assault)模式专用载具,突击(Assault)模式专用载具,突击(Assault)模式专用载具,

    1. 猛攻;强攻
        An assault by an army is a strong attack made on an area held by the enemy.

        e.g. The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons...
        e.g. Most US soldiers welcomed the ground assault when the order was finally given.

    2. (武器)用于战争的,军用的
        Assault weapons such as rifles are intended for soldiers to use in battle rather than for purposes such as hunting.

        e.g. ...a high-powered assault rifle.

    3. 人身攻击;殴打;(身体)侵犯
        An assault on a person is a physical attack on them.

        e.g. The attack is one of a series of savage sexual assaults on women in the university area...
        e.g. At the police station, I was charged with assault.

    4. 袭击;殴打
        To assault someone means to physically attack them.

        e.g. The gang assaulted him with iron bars...
        e.g. She may have been sexually assaulted by her killer.

    5. 严厉抨击;强烈批评
        An assault on someone's beliefs is a strong criticism of them.

        e.g. He leveled a verbal assault against his Democratic opponents.


    1. 猛攻;强攻
        An assault by an army is a strong attack made on an area held by the enemy.

        e.g. The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons...
        e.g. Most US soldiers welcomed the ground assault when the order was finally given.

    2. (武器)用于战争的,军用的
        Assault weapons such as rifles are intended for soldiers to use in battle rather than for purposes such as hunting.

        e.g. ...a high-powered assault rifle.

    3. 人身攻击;殴打;(身体)侵犯
        An assault on a person is a physical attack on them.

        e.g. The attack is one of a series of savage sexual assaults on women in the university area...
        e.g. At the police station, I was charged with assault.

    4. 袭击;殴打
        To assault someone means to physically attack them.

        e.g. The gang assaulted him with iron bars...
        e.g. She may have been sexually assaulted by her killer.

    5. 严厉抨击;强烈批评
        An assault on someone's beliefs is a strong criticism of them.

        e.g. He leveled a verbal assault against his Democratic opponents.

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