
  • ad

    英:[æd]   美: [æd] 

    ad 基本解释

    名词广告; 网球中的优势分advantage. ad in

    ad 网络解释

    1. much a:Ms n.女士 | much a.多;ad,十分;非常 | *murder v.谋杀;凶杀

    1. 广告
        An ad is an advertisement.

        e.g. She replied to a lonely hearts ad.


    1. 广告
        An ad is an advertisement.

        e.g. She replied to a lonely hearts ad.

    ad 情景对话


    B:Were you able to quote on all the items we need ?

    A:No, not all of them .

    B:Oh ?why not ?


    A:We aren‘t able to supply the third ad fifth items .

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