
  • addict

    英:[ˈædɪkt]   美: [əˈdɪkt] 

    addict 基本解释


    addict 相关例句


    1. She is addicted to television.

    2. He became addicted to the drug.


    1. addict

    1. Drugs are addicting.


    1. addict

    1. They are rock music addicts.

    addict 网络解释

    1. addict

    1. 魅惑女香:而当夜色降临后,迪奥的魅惑女香(Addict)更能表现射手女的个性鲜明和热情性感. 这款香水虽然以暗夜的无限魅惑性感为主题,但是与天蝎座的神秘黑暗并不相同,而是更直接大胆地追求享受. 相对于Tommy的中性化,

    2. 使沉溺:adapt 使适应 | addict 使沉溺 | adept 熟练的,内行的

    1. 吸毒成瘾者;瘾君子
        An addict is someone who takes harmful drugs and cannot stop taking them.

        e.g. He's only 24 years old and a drug addict.

    2. 对…入迷的人;…迷
        If you say that someone is an addict, you mean that they like a particular activity very much and spend as much time doing it as they can.

        e.g. She is a TV addict and watches as much as she can.


    1. 吸毒成瘾者;瘾君子
        An addict is someone who takes harmful drugs and cannot stop taking them.

        e.g. He's only 24 years old and a drug addict.

    2. 对…入迷的人;…迷
        If you say that someone is an addict, you mean that they like a particular activity very much and spend as much time doing it as they can.

        e.g. She is a TV addict and watches as much as she can.

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