
  • assess

    英:[əˈses]   美: [əˈsɛs] 

    assess 基本解释

    及物动词评定; 估价; 对(财产、收入等)进行估价(作为征税根据); 确定(损害赔偿金、税款、罚款等)的金额


    assess 相关例句


    2. Damages were assessed at 1000 RMB.

    3. The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars.

    assess 网络解释

    3. 评价:大部分人想要戒烟都会上医院寻求医生帮助,临床医生一般通过的戒烟咨询技巧(5A),即询问(Ask)、建议 (Advise)、评价(Assess)、帮助 (Assist) 以及安排随访(Arrange follow-up)来对患者进行干预,从而取得较好的效果.

    4. 评定:值得注意的是,语义焦点是一种关系性的概念,它反映的是由句子表示的事件或事态等信息内容的表达(或包装)方式和句子真值的评定(assess)方式. 语义焦点可以由音高重音、语序、助词(particle)、及其组合形式等音系或句法手段来表达,

    1. 评估;评价;考查
        When you assess a person, thing, or situation, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them.

        e.g. Our correspondent has been assessing the impact of the sanctions...
        e.g. The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement...

    2. 评估(价值);估价
        When you assess the amount of money that something is worth or should be paid, you calculate or estimate it.

        e.g. Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings...
        e.g. What's the property's assessed value?


    1. 评估;评价;考查
        When you assess a person, thing, or situation, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them.

        e.g. Our correspondent has been assessing the impact of the sanctions...
        e.g. The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement...

    2. 评估(价值);估价
        When you assess the amount of money that something is worth or should be paid, you calculate or estimate it.

        e.g. Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings...
        e.g. What's the property's assessed value?

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