
  • additional

    英:[əˈdɪʃənl]   美: [ə'dɪʃənl] 

    additional 基本解释

    形容词补充; 额外的,附加的; 另外的,追加的; 外加

    additional 相关例句


    1. We needed additional money for our trip.

    additional 网络解释

    1. 额外:HPM的计算公式如下:真言术:盾的作用手段是附加而额外(additional)的. 它的治疗效果优先于目标生命遭受损耗,并无视生命上限. 因此一个生效的真言术:盾的溢出治疗为零. 智力(INT)决定了治疗者魔法池的大小以及一部分的法术暴击.

    2. 附加:在UML[10]中,把包含用例、扩展用例统称为附加(additional)用例,被包含、被扩展的用例叫做基用例,在用例的继承关系中则采用父用例、子用例的说法,这样做是妥当的.

    3. 附加的:additional winding 附加绕组 | additional 附加的 | additive cement 有掺合料水泥

    4. 附加的,额外的:added value tax增值税 | Additional附加的,额外的 | additional budget追加预算

    1. 额外的;附加的;添加的
        Additional things are extra things apart from the ones already present.

        e.g. The US is sending additional troops to the region...
        e.g. The insurer will also have to pay the additional costs of the trial.


    1. 额外的;附加的;添加的
        Additional things are extra things apart from the ones already present.

        e.g. The US is sending additional troops to the region...
        e.g. The insurer will also have to pay the additional costs of the trial.

    additional 情景对话



    A:Let’s go to Wangfujing by bus.

    B:Better take the subway. It’s faster, and more convenient.

    A:O.K, it will be a new experience for me.

    B:We have a rather comprehensive subway system here. You can get almost anywhere rather quickly on a subway, especially at this time of day when the traffic is heavy…


    A:Where do we pay the fare?

    B:Just give the man standing there 3 yuan and he’ll give you a token. Then, you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in.
          给售票员3 元,他会给你一张辅币。你在入口处那儿把辅币塞进投币孔,就能推转门去了。

    A:Let me pay for it. Where can I get a subway map?

    B:Ask the worker who sells tokens to give you one. It’s free of charge. Actually maps showing subway routes are posted at most stations.

    A:Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?


    B:No, you don’t have to. Here comes the train.


    A:Be careful! Subway doors open and close automatically.

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