
  • administration

    英:[ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn]   美: [ ædˌmɪnɪˈstreʃən] 

    administration 基本解释

    名词管理; 实行; (政府)行政机关; (法律、处罚等的)施行

    administration 相关例句


    3. The administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people.

    1. 管理;经营;行政事务
        Administration is the range of activities connected with organizing and supervising the way that an organization or institution functions.

        e.g. Too much time is spent on administration.
        e.g. ...a master's degree in business administration.

    2. 实施;执行;监管
        The administration of something is the process of organizing and supervising it.


        e.g. Standards in the administration of justice have degenerated...
        e.g. The cost of administration is around £500.

    3. (公司或机构的)管理部门,行政部门
        The administration of a company or institution is the group of people who organize and supervise it.

        e.g. ... a member of the college administration.

    4. (尤指美国)政府
        You can refer to a country's government as the administration; used especially in the United States.

        e.g. O'Leary served in federal energy posts in both the Ford and Carter administrations...
        e.g. He urged the administration and Congress to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.


    1. 管理;经营;行政事务
        Administration is the range of activities connected with organizing and supervising the way that an organization or institution functions.

        e.g. Too much time is spent on administration.
        e.g. ...a master's degree in business administration.

    2. 实施;执行;监管
        The administration of something is the process of organizing and supervising it.


        e.g. Standards in the administration of justice have degenerated...
        e.g. The cost of administration is around £500.

    3. (公司或机构的)管理部门,行政部门
        The administration of a company or institution is the group of people who organize and supervise it.

        e.g. ... a member of the college administration.

    4. (尤指美国)政府
        You can refer to a country's government as the administration; used especially in the United States.

        e.g. O'Leary served in federal energy posts in both the Ford and Carter administrations...
        e.g. He urged the administration and Congress to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.

    administration 情景对话

    Apply for a school-(申请学校)

    A:I’m trying to decide what school to apply for.

    B:Are you thinking about a public school or a private one?


    A:I’m not sure. What’s the difference between them?


    B:Public schools are usually state funded, whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere.

    A:Which is better?

    B:One isn’t necessarily better than the other. It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers.

    A:I hear you have to wear unifomp3s at private schools.

    B:Yeah, sometimes.

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