
  • association

    英:[əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃn]   美: [əˌsoʊʃiˈeɪʃn] 

    association 基本解释


    名词联想; 协会,社团; 联合,联系


    association 相关例句


    1. I benefited much from my association with him.

    2. association

    2. What association do you have with the color green?

    3. association是什么意思

    3. Have you joined the teachers' association?

    4. association什么意思

    4. According to the American Automobile Association, since 1964 all cars sold in the United States have been equipped with seat belts.

    association 网络解释

    1. 联合:在 TCP 中,连接(connection) 是指两个端点之间的一个通道(在这种情况下,就是两台主机的网络接口之间的一个套接字). SCTP 引入了 联合(association) 的概念,它也是存在于两台主机之间,但可以使用每台主机上的多个接口进行协作.

    2. association:assn; 协会

    1. 团体;协会;社团
        An association is an official group of people who have the same job, aim, or interest.

        e.g. ...the British Olympic Association...
        e.g. Research associations are often linked to a particular industry.

    2. 关联;交往
        Your association with a person or a thing such as an organization is the connection that you have with them.

        e.g. ...the company's six-year association with retailer J.C. Penney Co...
               该公司与零售商 J. C. 彭尼公司6年的业务往来
        e.g. Blyth's association with the sea began in 1966...

    3. 联想
        If something has particular associations for you, it is connected in your mind with a particular memory, idea, or feeling.

        e.g. He has a shelf full of things, each of which has associations for him...
        e.g. Black was considered inappropriate because of its associations with death.

    4. 与…联合;与…合作
        If you do something in association with someone else, you do it together.

        e.g. Published in association with the Council for the Protection of Rural England, the book provides refreshing solutions to the long-term problem of water conservation.

    5. (事物)与…在一起
        If one thing is found in association with another, they are found together.


    1. 团体;协会;社团
        An association is an official group of people who have the same job, aim, or interest.

        e.g. ...the British Olympic Association...
        e.g. Research associations are often linked to a particular industry.

    2. 关联;交往
        Your association with a person or a thing such as an organization is the connection that you have with them.

        e.g. ...the company's six-year association with retailer J.C. Penney Co...
               该公司与零售商 J. C. 彭尼公司6年的业务往来
        e.g. Blyth's association with the sea began in 1966...

    3. 联想
        If something has particular associations for you, it is connected in your mind with a particular memory, idea, or feeling.

        e.g. He has a shelf full of things, each of which has associations for him...
        e.g. Black was considered inappropriate because of its associations with death.

    4. 与…联合;与…合作
        If you do something in association with someone else, you do it together.

        e.g. Published in association with the Council for the Protection of Rural England, the book provides refreshing solutions to the long-term problem of water conservation.

    5. (事物)与…在一起
        If one thing is found in association with another, they are found together.

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