
  • athlete

    英:[ˈæθli:t]   美: [ˈæθˌlit] 

    athlete 基本解释


    athlete 相关例句


    1. The athlete has a powerful physique.

    2. athlete的解释

    2. The athlete won two gold medals in the Olympics.

    athlete 网络解释

    1. 选手:家长同意书For Guardian(未满20岁者,须附家长或监护人同意书)本人( 家长 a parent or guardian )______________________同意选手(athlete)参加比赛,并保证其身心健康,竞赛中若发生任何意外事件,本人愿负全责,

    2. 田径运动员:黄金联赛 Gloden League | 田径运动员athlete | 径赛项目track event

    3. 运动家:at 在 | athlete 运动家 | athletic 运动的

    1. (尤指田径项目的)运动员,运动选手
        An athlete is a person who does a sport, especially athletics, or track and field events.

        e.g. Daley Thompson was a great athlete.

    2. 运动健儿;身强力壮的人
        You can refer to someone who is fit and athletic as an athlete .


        e.g. I was no athlete.


    1. (尤指田径项目的)运动员,运动选手
        An athlete is a person who does a sport, especially athletics, or track and field events.

        e.g. Daley Thompson was a great athlete.

    2. 运动健儿;身强力壮的人
        You can refer to someone who is fit and athletic as an athlete .


        e.g. I was no athlete.

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