
  • auction

    英:[ˈɔ:kʃn]   美: [ˈɔ:kʃn] 

    auction 基本解释


    名词拍卖; 竞卖; 标售; (桥牌)拍卖玩法

    及物动词拍卖; 竞卖


    auction 相关例句


    1. They are going to auction the pictures at the end of the month.


    1. They sold the furniture by auction.

    auction 网络解释

    1. 拍卖拍卖:拍卖 拍卖(auction)是由专营拍卖行接受货主的委托,在一定的地点和时间,按照定的章程和规则,以公开叫价竞购的方法,最后拍卖人把货物给出价最高的买主的一种现货交易方式.

    2. 公开拍卖:任志刚每周观点(view point)评论 (由白户则道提供)1) 由断供开始,债主要先出公告(Pre-foreclsoure),收回后(Foreclosure)然后公开拍卖(Auction).

    1. 拍卖
        An auction is a public sale where goods are sold to the person who offers the highest price.


        e.g. Lord Salisbury bought the picture at auction in London some years ago...
        e.g. Britain's two main auction houses, Sotheby's and Christies, have been involved in valuing the works.

    2. 拍卖
        If something is auctioned, it is sold in an auction.

        e.g. Eight drawings by French artist Jean Cocteau will be auctioned next week...
        e.g. The airline plans to auction its international routes to former competitors...

    相关词组:auction off


    1. 拍卖
        An auction is a public sale where goods are sold to the person who offers the highest price.


        e.g. Lord Salisbury bought the picture at auction in London some years ago...
        e.g. Britain's two main auction houses, Sotheby's and Christies, have been involved in valuing the works.

    2. 拍卖
        If something is auctioned, it is sold in an auction.

        e.g. Eight drawings by French artist Jean Cocteau will be auctioned next week...
        e.g. The airline plans to auction its international routes to former competitors...

    相关词组:auction off

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