
  • appliance

    英:[əˈplaɪəns]   美: [əˈplaɪəns] 

    appliance 基本解释

    名词器具,器械,装置; 家用电器

    appliance 相关例句


    1. The kitchen is equipped with modern appliances.

    appliance 网络解释

    1. 家用电器:这种突出戴森个人的做法,引起了<<家用电器>>(Appliance)杂志编辑戴安娜.李奇(Diane Ritchey)的注意;芝加哥出版的这份杂志是专门大型家电的专业杂志,也是美国工业问题的权威.

    2. appliance在线翻译

    2. 器具:革命性的器具(Appliance)设计理念整体投资(TCO)是指用户选择某一产品时,不仅仅考虑首次产品设备的价格,而且还得充分考虑因此而对全系统的影响,包括前端主机因此而需要增加的设备及软件、至少3年的管理维护成本、培训成本、设备扩容升级的复杂度及投资成本等.


    3. 工具:虚拟磁带库( VTL )通常为一种专用的计算工具 (Appliance) ,它可以仿真物理磁带库的驱动器和 ( 并且 ) 在磁盘上存储备份映像. VTL 允许使用现有的磁带备份软件,管理人员之所以对这些工具感兴趣是因为用于备份管理的范例( paradigm )与使用磁带时的范例相同.

    1. (家用)电器,器械,装置
        An appliance is a device or machine in your home that you use to do a job such as cleaning or cooking. Appliances are often electrical.


        e.g. He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.
        e.g. ...Maytag, one of America's biggest domestic appliance manufacturers.

    2. (技术或知识的)使用,应用
        The appliance of a skill or of knowledge is its use for a particular purpose.

        e.g. These advances were the result of the intellectual appliance of science.


    1. (家用)电器,器械,装置
        An appliance is a device or machine in your home that you use to do a job such as cleaning or cooking. Appliances are often electrical.


        e.g. He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.
        e.g. ...Maytag, one of America's biggest domestic appliance manufacturers.

    2. (技术或知识的)使用,应用
        The appliance of a skill or of knowledge is its use for a particular purpose.

        e.g. These advances were the result of the intellectual appliance of science.

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