
  • avenue

    英:[ˈævənju:]   美: [ˈævənu:] 

    avenue 基本解释


    avenue 相关例句


    1. They explored every avenue but could not find a solution.

    2. That is Madison Avenue.

    3. avenue的翻译

    3. We explored every avenue but could not find a good solution.

    avenue 网络解释

    1. 街道:因此,这种缺乏起交换通道(passage)或街道(avenue)的作用,这种交换同时指向两个方向:由外向内以及由内向外. 这就是开放性,流动性(fluidity),无根基性(ungroundedness),总是与作为再现系统的书写相关联的不确定性(indeterminacy).

    1. (有时用于街名)大街,街道(书面缩略形式为Ave.)
        Avenue is sometimes used in the names of streets. The written abbreviation Ave. is also used.

        e.g. ...the most expensive stores on Park Avenue.

    2. 大道;(尤指)林阴大道
        An avenue is a wide, straight road, especially one with trees on either side.

    3. 方法;途径
        An avenue is a way of getting something done.

        e.g. Talbot was presented with 80 potential avenues of investigation...
        e.g. There is another avenue to pursue — it involves further negotiations.


    1. (有时用于街名)大街,街道(书面缩略形式为Ave.)
        Avenue is sometimes used in the names of streets. The written abbreviation Ave. is also used.

        e.g. ...the most expensive stores on Park Avenue.

    2. 大道;(尤指)林阴大道
        An avenue is a wide, straight road, especially one with trees on either side.

    3. 方法;途径
        An avenue is a way of getting something done.

        e.g. Talbot was presented with 80 potential avenues of investigation...
        e.g. There is another avenue to pursue — it involves further negotiations.

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