
  • abound

    英:[əˈbaʊnd]   美: [əˈbaʊnd] 

    abound 基本解释

    不及物动词充满; 丰富,盛产; 非常多,大量存在

    abound 相关例句


    1. abound什么意思

    1. This river abounds with fish.

    2. That island abounds with snakes.

    3. abound在线翻译

    3. Most of her poems abound in imagery.

    4. Natural resources abound in our country.


    5. Wildlife abounds in the forest.

    abound 网络解释

    1. abound的解释

    1. 丰富:aboriginal 土著的; 土著居民 | abound 丰富 | abrupt 突然的,陡峭的

    2. abound

    2. 大量存在;充满:altitude: 高度 | abound:大量存在;充满 | accumulation: 累计;聚集物

    3. abound的意思

    3. 多:abound with 充满 | abound 多 | abounding 丰富的

    4. 丰富,大量:91. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的 | abound丰富,大量 | abundance n.丰富,大量

    1. 大量存在;盛产;充足
        If things abound, or if a place abounds with things, there are very large numbers of them.

        e.g. Stories abound about when he was in charge...
        e.g. Venice abounds in famous hotels...


    1. 大量存在;盛产;充足
        If things abound, or if a place abounds with things, there are very large numbers of them.

        e.g. Stories abound about when he was in charge...
        e.g. Venice abounds in famous hotels...

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