
  • amateur

    英:[ˈæmətə(r)]   美: [ˈæmətər] 

    amateur 基本解释

    名词业余爱好者; 外行,生手

    形容词外行的; 业余的,非职业的

    amateur 相关例句


    1. The pictures were taken by an amateur photographer.

    2. Her acting was very amateur.


    1. The young politician is an amateur at manipulating public opinion.

    2. He is an amateur in boxing.

    3. Only amateurs may complete in the Olympic Games.

    amateur 网络解释

    1. amateur

    1. 爱好者:许多软件开发商、制造商都非常重视用户参与,鼓励和培养业余爱好者(amateur)群体. 这一群体不仅是企业的忠实用户,而且成为企业的宣传者. 运营商如果能开展开放平台、模拟经营等活动,以实际或虚拟方式吸引到消费者参与,

    2. 业余爱好者:在锦标赛模式中你有四个等级,可以选择分别是:新手(Rookie)、业余爱好者(Amateur)、专业赛手(Professional)和冠军组(Champion leagues),如果你的技术和电脑控制的对手有很大差距,则比赛就会结束.

    3. amateur

    3. 业余选手:职业球员(Professional)之实力一律以18洞72杆计算,故其差洞(Handicap)为72-72=0,业余选手(Amateur)之差点均在9个以上,称为单差点(Single),其他一般球员则以其以往最佳杆数减72之差即为其差点.

    1. 业余爱好者
        An amateur is someone who does something as a hobby and not as a job.

        e.g. Jerry is an amateur who dances because he feels like it...
        e.g. Taylor began his playing career as an amateur goalkeeper.

    2. (体育运动或活动)业余爱好的
        Amateur sports or activities are done by people as a hobby and not as a job.


        e.g. ...the local amateur dramatics society...
        e.g. At college he studied English and did amateur boxing.


    1. 业余爱好者
        An amateur is someone who does something as a hobby and not as a job.

        e.g. Jerry is an amateur who dances because he feels like it...
        e.g. Taylor began his playing career as an amateur goalkeeper.

    2. (体育运动或活动)业余爱好的
        Amateur sports or activities are done by people as a hobby and not as a job.


        e.g. ...the local amateur dramatics society...
        e.g. At college he studied English and did amateur boxing.

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