
  • accelerate

    英:[əkˈseləreɪt]   美: [ækˈsɛləˌret] 

    accelerate 基本解释

    及物动词促进; (使)加快,(使)增速; 加速,催促; 速度增加


    accelerate 相关例句


    1. The bad weather accelerated our departure.

    2. He decided to accelerate his advertising.

    3. The driver stepped on the gas and accelerated the car.


    1. The car suddenly accelerated.

    accelerate 网络解释

    1. 加速:有机会在现场欣赏R.E.M演唱的是经过竞争得到名额的四百多个忠实歌迷. R.E.M的主唱歌手迈克尔-斯迪普(Michael Stipe)现场演唱了十几首新老歌曲. R.E.M.的最新专辑唱片<<加速>>(Accelerate)将于4月1日发行.

    2. accelerate的意思

    2. 加快:随着人们对移动配置图像、视频处理要求的不断(Constantly)(Constantly)增加,各种图形加快(Accelerate)器、搭配图形处理指令集的微处理器应运而生,相信随着图形加快(Accelerate)器的不断(Constantly)(Constantly)完善.

    3. 促进:飞鹤奶粉飞鹤系列:A-矿物质配方:全面升级(Advance)的新配方,特别添加CPP,优化矿物质配比,促进(Accelerate)各营养素更容易被宝宝吸收(Absorb)利用.

    4. 速度:师傅曾经说过,开地快与技术无关,所以我不追求速度,我只将速度提过100码之后,在轻轻地刹车,我可以做到在加速和减速的过程中都不怎么感觉得到加速度(accelerate)的存在.

    1. (使)加快;(使)增速
        If the process or rate of something accelerates or if something accelerates it, it gets faster and faster.

        e.g. Growth will accelerate to 2.9 per cent next year...
        e.g. The government is to accelerate its privatisation programme.

    2. (运动中的车辆)加速
        When a moving vehicle accelerates, it goes faster and faster.

        e.g. Suddenly the car accelerated...
        e.g. She accelerated away from the kerb.


    1. (使)加快;(使)增速
        If the process or rate of something accelerates or if something accelerates it, it gets faster and faster.

        e.g. Growth will accelerate to 2.9 per cent next year...
        e.g. The government is to accelerate its privatisation programme.

    2. (运动中的车辆)加速
        When a moving vehicle accelerates, it goes faster and faster.

        e.g. Suddenly the car accelerated...
        e.g. She accelerated away from the kerb.

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