
  • antique

    英:[ænˈti:k]   美: [ænˈtik] 

    antique 基本解释

    形容词古老的,古代的; 过时的,古董的; 古时制造的; 古风的

    名词古玩,古董; 古风,古希腊和古罗马艺术风格

    动词仿古制作; 使显得古色古香; 寻觅古玩


    antique 相关例句


    1. In the museum we saw antique pewter plates.

    2. That car is positively antique.


    1. The antique is a fake.

    2. antique

    2. Mr.Hunter is very much interested in collecting antiques.

    antique 网络解释

    1. 仿古:将电镀后的饰品通过化学方式使之表面酸化,然后用布质打磨轮打磨而成. 表面一般有保护膜,有一种乾净利索的仿古( Antique ) 风味.

    2. 文物:您好,你正在申请网易社区[休闲时尚]古玩文物(antique)版版主,在申请之前,请保证你在审核通过后::您好,你正在申请网易社区[休闲时尚]古玩文物(antique)版版主,在申请之前,请保证你在审核通过

    1. 古物;古玩;古董
        An antique is an old object such as a piece of china or furniture which is valuable because of its beauty or rarity.

        e.g. ...a genuine antique.
        e.g. ...antique silver jewellery...


    1. 古物;古玩;古董
        An antique is an old object such as a piece of china or furniture which is valuable because of its beauty or rarity.

        e.g. ...a genuine antique.
        e.g. ...antique silver jewellery...

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