
  • appreciate

    英:[əˈpri:ʃieɪt]   美: [əˈpriʃiˌet] 

    appreciate 基本解释

    及物动词欣赏; 感激; 领会; 鉴别


    appreciate 相关例句


    1. Her talent for music was not appreciated.

    2. I am afraid you have not appreciated the urgency of the matter.

    3. We appreciate the danger ahead.

    4. We shall appreciate hearing from you again.


    1. appreciate的近义词

    1. Apples appreciated 2 to 5 cents per box.

    appreciate 网络解释

    1. 感激:nasty 肮脏的,下流的,恶心的 --na(那)st(街)上为(y) 何什么那么脏 一个故事:......申请(apply) 留学,获得批准(approve) ,非 常感激(appreciate)新东方 .碰到一个很有侵略性 (aggressive)的小姑娘,引起 了你的注意(attention) ,

    2. 升值:人民币升值(APPRECIATE)的后果将是外资的获利套现、全线撤退,那时的房地产市场将面临甭盘的情景. 所以中央要在人民币升值前尽可能地维系一个相对健康的市场, 以避免最坏的后果出现.

    3. 感谢:最后要表示你会坚持共享(share),传递(pass on),感谢(appreciate)和贡献(contribute). 当然由于免费光盘是从欧洲寄给你的,一定要填写规范准确的联系地址,而且要耐心地等上4-6个星期. 所以,如果你有较好的上网条件,建议尽量不要麻烦Canonical公司,

    1. 欣赏;鉴赏;赏识
        If you appreciate something, for example a piece of music or good food, you like it because you recognize its good qualities.

        e.g. Anyone can appreciate our music...
        e.g. In time you'll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.

    2. 领会;了解;认识
        If you appreciate a situation or problem, you understand it and know what it involves.


        e.g. She never really appreciated the depth and bitterness of the Irish conflict...
        e.g. He appreciates that co-operation with the media is part of his professional duties.

    3. 感谢;感激
        If you appreciate something that someone has done for you or is going to do for you, you are grateful for it.

        e.g. Peter stood by me when I most needed it. I'll always appreciate that...
        e.g. Thanks, lads. I appreciate it...

    4. 升值;增值
        If something that you own appreciates over a period of time, its value increases.


        e.g. They don't have any confidence that houses will appreciate in value.


    1. 欣赏;鉴赏;赏识
        If you appreciate something, for example a piece of music or good food, you like it because you recognize its good qualities.

        e.g. Anyone can appreciate our music...
        e.g. In time you'll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.

    2. 领会;了解;认识
        If you appreciate a situation or problem, you understand it and know what it involves.


        e.g. She never really appreciated the depth and bitterness of the Irish conflict...
        e.g. He appreciates that co-operation with the media is part of his professional duties.

    3. 感谢;感激
        If you appreciate something that someone has done for you or is going to do for you, you are grateful for it.

        e.g. Peter stood by me when I most needed it. I'll always appreciate that...
        e.g. Thanks, lads. I appreciate it...

    4. 升值;增值
        If something that you own appreciates over a period of time, its value increases.


        e.g. They don't have any confidence that houses will appreciate in value.

    appreciate 情景对话


    A:I appreciate your kindness.

    B:My pleasure.

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