
  • appetite

    英:[ˈæpɪtaɪt]   美: [ˈæpɪˌtaɪt] 

    appetite 基本解释

    名词欲望; 胃口,食欲; 嗜好,爱好

    appetite 相关例句


    1. At the moment she had no appetite for gossip.

    2. Exercise gave her a good appetite.

    3. He has a good appetite.

    appetite 网络解释

    1. appetite在线翻译

    1. 胃口:虽然学长说, 什麼都不用带, 只要带人去和好胃口 (appetite) 去就好了, 不过, 我还是左思右想, 想做点东西, 让大家尝尝. 而且, 份量不能太多, 否则大家会吃不下.

    2. 欲念:侯易(Hoey)的词汇重复理论认为语篇中词项重复三次或三次以上即构成词汇衔接链,对语篇的连贯起重要的纽带作用.本文以劳里.李(Laurie Lee)的散文<欲念>(Appetite)为文本,分析词汇衔接链在语篇中的特征及功能,

    1. 胃口;食欲
        Your appetite is your desire to eat.

        e.g. He has a healthy appetite...
        e.g. Symptoms are a slight fever, headache and loss of appetite.

    2. 强烈欲望;渴望
        Someone's appetite for something is their strong desire for it.

        e.g. ...his appetite for success.
        e.g. ...Americans' growing appetite for scandal...


    1. 胃口;食欲
        Your appetite is your desire to eat.

        e.g. He has a healthy appetite...
        e.g. Symptoms are a slight fever, headache and loss of appetite.

    2. 强烈欲望;渴望
        Someone's appetite for something is their strong desire for it.

        e.g. ...his appetite for success.
        e.g. ...Americans' growing appetite for scandal...

    appetite 情景对话



    A:Now, what seems to be the trouble?


    B:It’s nothing serious. But I always have a headache, and I haven’t slept properly for several weeks. I’ve also lost appetite and my eyes are burning.

    A:Mm, you do look rather pale. Let me take your temperature. Would you put the thermometer under your arm. Please? Now, let me listen to your pulse. Mm, do you feel weak?

    B:Yes, I never seem to have any energy.

    A:I’ll give you a blood test. Would you roll up your sleeve? Just as I thought. You’re anemic. You’d better pay more attention to your diet. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and food high in protein. And don’t’ stay up late working. Try to get more rest.

    B:Thank you.

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