
  • acknowledge

    英:[əkˈnɒlɪdʒ]   美: [əkˈnɑ:lɪdʒ] 

    acknowledge 基本解释

    及物动词承认; 鸣谢; 对…打招呼; 告知已收到


    acknowledge 相关例句


    1. Stella didn't even acknowledge me when I waved a greeting.

    2. acknowledge是什么意思

    2. He was acknowledged to be the best player.

    3. acknowledge的翻译

    3. I acknowledge that her criticism is just.

    4. The candidate waved his hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.

    5. I acknowledged her letter at once.

    acknowledge 网络解释

    1. acknowledge:ack; 肯定,认知,应答,告知收到

    1. 承认(事实、局面等)
        If you acknowledge a fact or a situation, you accept or admit that it is true or that it exists.


        e.g. Naylor acknowledged, in a letter to the judge, that he was a drug addict...
        e.g. Belatedly, the government has acknowledged the problem...

    2. 公认,认可(某人的成就、地位、品质等)
        If someone's achievements, status, or qualities are acknowledged, they are known about and recognized by a lot of people, or by a particular group of people.

        e.g. He is also acknowledged as an excellent goalkeeper...
        e.g. Some of the clergy refused to acknowledge the new king's legitimacy.

    3. 告知(信函等)的收到;确认…收悉
        If you acknowledge a message or letter, you write to the person who sent it in order to say that you have received it.

        e.g. The army sent me a postcard acknowledging my request.

    4. (以点头、微笑等)向…打招呼,理会
        If you acknowledge someone, for example by moving your head or smiling, you show that you have seen and recognized them.

        e.g. He saw her but refused to even acknowledge her.

    5. (对掌声、赞扬、好意等作出姿态表示)感谢
        If you acknowledge someone's applause, compliments, or kindness you make a gesture in order to thank them or show your appreciation.

        e.g. Doran stuck his head out of the window to acknowledge the cheering...
        e.g. She never even acknowledged the man who opened the door for her...


    1. 承认(事实、局面等)
        If you acknowledge a fact or a situation, you accept or admit that it is true or that it exists.


        e.g. Naylor acknowledged, in a letter to the judge, that he was a drug addict...
        e.g. Belatedly, the government has acknowledged the problem...

    2. 公认,认可(某人的成就、地位、品质等)
        If someone's achievements, status, or qualities are acknowledged, they are known about and recognized by a lot of people, or by a particular group of people.

        e.g. He is also acknowledged as an excellent goalkeeper...
        e.g. Some of the clergy refused to acknowledge the new king's legitimacy.

    3. 告知(信函等)的收到;确认…收悉
        If you acknowledge a message or letter, you write to the person who sent it in order to say that you have received it.

        e.g. The army sent me a postcard acknowledging my request.

    4. (以点头、微笑等)向…打招呼,理会
        If you acknowledge someone, for example by moving your head or smiling, you show that you have seen and recognized them.

        e.g. He saw her but refused to even acknowledge her.

    5. (对掌声、赞扬、好意等作出姿态表示)感谢
        If you acknowledge someone's applause, compliments, or kindness you make a gesture in order to thank them or show your appreciation.

        e.g. Doran stuck his head out of the window to acknowledge the cheering...
        e.g. She never even acknowledged the man who opened the door for her...

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